The are many different types of people in the world today. In fact, we are groomed from the day we are born to be the person we grow into being later on in life.
The surroundings one is born into from a family, school, society, sport, creed, etc point of view combine together to form the values that guide us throughout our lives.
However, we as humans often tend to stereotype people depending on their upbringing. In the general population, farmers have a reputation for complaining about everything from weather to prices. Is this accusation true of every farmer in the country or is it just those who complain most get all the airtime?
We all know the reality is that farming by its nature is a cyclical business, weather and prices are volatile so in any decade there will be periods where its all good and “we make hay” and also there will be periods where its all bad and all we hear is “doom and gloom”.
Winston Churchill once famously said “never let a good crisis go to waste” in reference to the conditions after World War II.
Our most successful farmers think like Churchill, they don’t wallow in the doom and gloom nor do they engage in pitching farmer against farmer, instead they see opportunity in crises such as Brexit and the current drought for the progression of their farm business.
They prepare well-researched business plans and simply get on with it.